Bara lite statistik / Tvångsgifte
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I skolan är nästa engelskaredovisning ett tal. Jag är egentligen klar med kursen, men hur kan jag ignorera en möjlighet att få prata lite med mina fellow classmates? Så jag beslutade mig för att göra ett tal ändå, 2 minuter då folk måste lyssna på mig utan att avbryta, underbart.
Talet skulle givetvis handla om kvinnors rättigheter, och jag ville chocka folk lite med statistik så att de skulle lyssna. Därför tänkte jag att jag skulle använda ett par saker ur bilden ovan. Då skrev jag ett tal om tvångsgifte. Men sedan kom jag på att väldigt många inte vet något om kvinnlig könsstympning, och det tycker jag också är ett viktigt ämne att ta upp, så då skrev jag ett sådant tal också. Jag beslutade mig till slut för att använda det senare.
Men jag tänkte publicera mitt första tal här, då jag tycker att det än så länge är en bättre text. Det är ju Internationella Kvinnodagen och allt.
"Every three seconds a girl under 18 is forced into a marriage. Often to a man she just met and who is a lot older than herself. Why is that? And why is it so that women do 66 % of all the total work of the world, while they only get 5% of the total salary for it? And why are 34% of all the girls in South Sudan between 9-13 years old married?
For as long as we've had a society, women have been neglected, underestimated and mistreated. They've always been treated like the second gender, like they are not good enough to design their own lives. I think that it's time to put an end to that era. And to do that, it starts with changing peoples minds, both men's and women's. People need to realize that this injustice is not benefitting them in any way. 75 million girls are currently not going to school worldwide, because their parents know that she'll get married before her eighteenth birthday anyway, and then school knowledge isn't going to help her.
They will practically sell her to a man at least twice her age that she doesn't know. In this affair, her family might receive a few cows, money or camels from the groom. And after the marriage, the girl has to live with this man she doesn't love, neither know, and even though she is still a child herself, she is likely to give birth to his child before turning eighteen.
If people started to believe in girls instead of selling them, if they gave them an opportunity to go to school, and marry when they are ready, the world would be a better place. People and women especially, would rise out of their poverty and become an asset to society. If women were empowered and educated, they wouldn't have to be wives when they are still children. And the world would be a more equal place to live in, for everyone."
Men fy... :( Jag blev typ tårögd när jag läste den där statistiken :'(